Let’s look at the most basic example, no matter how sensible or impactful your post may be on Facebook, there are people who will never read, like, comment or share it; not because it didn’t make sense, but because they don’t like you as a person. They don’t like you, so they can’t support you or concede that you have something to offer. In counselling, I’ve heard a number of ladies complain about promiscuous lecturers thus, “He asked me out and I refused, and I because of that I failed his course.” While I concede that many of such ladies are actually being preyed upon, I disagree that the subsequent failure is always because they are being victimized for not agreeing to a sexual affair with the lecturer. This is what happens; most ladies are actually disappointed at such advances, and subsequently filled with indignation towards that particular lecturer for the attempted sexual exploitation. In that angst, they lose the psychological disposition needed to effectively liste...