How Society Kills you (negative configuration)

Have you ever felt useless, less intelligent, uncelebrated, less gifted or intellectually disadvantaged especially amongst your contemporaries? Have you ever felt like you weren’t born with any talent or gifting even after searching inwards? If yes, then you need to pay more attention. Growing up as a kid, my parents and neighbours’ loved me ravishingly. Beyond the wit and stubbornness, I was a cute kid with an interesting personality. However, they all seemed to have one problem with me - I talk too much . I was nicknamed “ekwurekwu” which is used in Igbo language to refer to an annoying talkative person. They didn’t know that the nickname killed me psychologically. I struggled daily to suppress my brazen and extroverted personality. I’d try as much as I could to talk less (whilst imploding with thoughts) at home and eventually explode in school. While in junior high school, the authenticity of the ‘noise-makers list’ was verified if our form-teacher saw my name there. We ...