God's heart beat

God loves many things, He is moved by a few things, but his heart beats for one thing. If you can make his heart beat, he can make the world beat for you. Years ago, my team and I organized a campus program. God had instructed us to organise that program because he had plans of saving souls through that platform. In submission to God, and full of enthusiasm and passion for souls, we made huge financial, energy, time and prayer commitments towards that program. We spent much more than we had ever spent, and prayed much more than we ever prayed whilst preparing for previous programs. We were filled with joyful anticipation that hundreds of souls would be added to God's Kingdom that day. That day finally came. I preached the gospel and climaxed by making an altar call for souls. It was an unusual altar call which lasted for at least an hour. The response was rather disappointing. Eventually, three sinners gave their lives to Christ and accepted him into theirs. That outc...