God's heart beat

God loves many things, He is moved by a few things, but his heart beats for one thing. If you can make his heart beat, he can make the world beat for you.
Years ago, my team and I organized a campus program. God had instructed us to organise that program because he had plans of saving souls through that platform. In submission to God, and full of enthusiasm and passion for souls, we made huge financial, energy, time and prayer commitments towards that program. We spent much more than we had ever spent, and prayed much more than we ever prayed whilst preparing for previous programs. We were filled with joyful anticipation that hundreds of souls would be added to God's Kingdom that day.
That day finally came. I preached the gospel and climaxed by making an altar call for souls. It was an unusual altar call which lasted for at least an hour. The response was rather disappointing. Eventually, three sinners gave their lives to Christ and accepted him into theirs. That outcome was devastating for me. I was completely heartbroken. How could we have spent this much just to win three souls? Did we sacrifice so much just to gather people who are already born again? Did I really hear from God or just burning in zeal? What did we do wrong Lord? Even if we did something wrong, why not understand our genuine intentions and bless us with fruits? Why is God so wicked? I'm I sure God called me for this? Etc. For days I wept whilst pondering on the aforementioned questions. Unfortunately for me, God didn't answer me. I concluded that I was never again going to preach because I saw myself as a failure.
Few months later, I miraculously stumbled into a preacher on TV. God orchestrated it because he wanted to heal my emotions and give me an understanding of his love. The preacher narrated a story of how he spent millions of dollars to host a crusade which had millions of people in attendance. He eventually made an altar call, and the only person who came out was a 15 year old boy, just a boy out of millions of people. Like me he was devastated. Heartbroken, he cried to God and God eventually gave him a shocking answer thus, "I organised that crusade just to get that one boy saved." Today that small boy is renowned American Evangelist, Morris Cerullo. That one boy led millions to Christ. That one soul eventually translated to millions of souls. Eureka! Eureka! My answer and healing had come. So God can cause someone to spend millions of dollars just to save one person! What a love!

At that moment, God finally spoke to me. He said "Son, Jesus would still die even if you were the only sinner on earth." I immediately broke down in tears. "Forgive me lord" I cried. To me three souls were a disappointment, but to heaven it was the greatest success on planet earth that day-heaven celebrated. Two out of those three are currently serving God in leadership capacity in their local assemblies.
Brethren, God can do anything just to save one person from hell. The heart of God yearns for souls. It is not God's desire for anyone to end up in hell. You don't need to be an ordained Evangelist on a crusade platform to win souls. God is interested in the most sinful person in your workplace or street. There is a major reason why God put you in that family, team, bus, position, office, social media platform or street; he loves them too much to watch them perish in hell. No one is condemned beyond redemption. At least try! There is no perfect time to share the gospel and eternity, every opportunity is perfect.
Every time you ignore a soul winning opportunity, you just bought someone a ticket to hell. The gospel of Grace is not that Christ obtained a licence for us to live in sin; it's that Christ loves sinners so much that he is offering them an opportunity to be free from the bondage of sin. you were delivered to be a deliverer.
And if u're a sinner reading this, God adores you so much that he even took time to count and number the hairs on your head (Matt 10:30); just accept him today.
Simply Pray:
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me and dying for me. I repent of my sins. Today I accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour. Fill me with your spirit. Thank you lord for I am born again.
Hell is too real! Heaven is realer! God is realest!

© Ezeme Kingsley Chuwuebuka.


Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
May God help us all..
Eddy said…
May is be one of those to sponsor the heartbeat of God on earth. Amen!
Unknown said…
And who is wise wins souls...
it can be really frustrating when you go all out and get the “unexpected” result but I’m glad I read this article.

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