14 Ways to become the happiest person on earth (PART 1)

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There are just two persons on earth; you and others. Your happiness and satisfaction is going to be hugely dependent on how you relate, first, with yourself and then others. I’ve consciously practiced the following tips over the years and I can confidently recommend it as a happiness recipe for anyone. Here it is:

1.       Become your own crush: unfortunately, society would almost always offer us the opposite of what we expect. More people will call you ugly when you think you are at your cutest. The good news is that you don’t need peoples’ adulation to be who you are. As for me, I’m witty, sagacious, cute, exposed, important and very importantly, I’m the ‘apple of God’s eye’. If you think otherwise, that’s sincerely your own business. Donald Trump is POTUS regardless of what you think. So wake up every morning, look yourself in the mirror and say “wow, I am so damn cute” and then walkaway caring less about what people think. It gives you the healthy self-esteem needed to be the best of you.

2.       Mind your business: A wise man once said:  “after smokers, the next set of people who are liable to die young are people who don’t mind their business”. Consciously learn how not to interfere especially when you don’t perceive any imminent harm. Nobody appreciates intruders especially when dealing with personal issues. That way, no accidental bottle will bruise your head.

3.       Never try to impress everyone: trying to impress everyone is not just impossible, it is a willful concession to mental and emotional slavery. If your car doesn’t have an AC, people are going to call it old, and if your car has one, people are going to complain you use too much AC. Even God cannot impress everyone, if you doubt me, ask atheists or agnostics. Reasonable people have a problem with you not being yourself and always trying to impress them.

4.       Respect peoples’ privacy: a man’s privacy is his place of psychological and social security. They probably don’t say it, but NOBODY is comfortable with people who don’t understand and respect their privacy. You don’t have any business going through someone’s inbox or private chats, searching their room, being unduly curious about their personal details etc. especially without their consent. It is wrong on earth and in heaven and it is not good for your relationships. Many breakups happened when one spouse secretly read a chat. Give people space and be happy.

5.       Understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion: some persons are usually amazed as to how I don’t get perturbed about false rumours or how I’m not eager to prove my righteousness if it comes into question. The reason is that I understand that your opinion about me is your own personal idiosyncrasy and it does not validate my worth or change the truth about me. You must understand that perception is very much dependent on a person’s personality. For instance, people with inferiority complex have a tendency of almost finding everyone proud, self-righteous people tend to be judgmental, extreme feminists have a tendency to interpret innocent masculine gestures as misogynist or chivalric etc. no amount of opinion will change an ‘iPhone 7, to ‘Nokia 3310’. You don’t have a responsibility to suit anybody’s opinion about you. You know who you are, worry less about what they are saying and live aright like you have always done.

6.       Spend time with people and work on developing your relationship: believe me when I say that ‘The Bahamas’ would be hell if you were the only person there. Research consistently suggests that good relationships provide the strongest basis for life satisfaction. Even if you tend to be introverted, form a few close relationships and nurture them. Make meaningful social interactions because they have a way of making your day.

If you find this helpful, please give me feedback. But above all, share and help others.

Ezeme Kingsley Chukwuebuka

     PART 2 drops here tomorrow!!!


Unknown said…
Can't wait for The rest
Unknown said…
Can't wait for The rest
Eddy said…
Your Articles are super superb... I'm waiting for the next

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