Popular Nigerian hip-hop artist, D’prince in his hit track “Goody Bag” popularized the concept of ‘Selling Point”. According to him, everyone needed a selling point. He identified his wealth and his Banana as his own selling points-that’s why ladies rush him. He went ahead to say that a lady should at least possess any of the following selling points; boobs, bum, intelligence or culinary expertise. I’m neither a fan of Nigerian Hip-hop nor D’prince, but as trivial as this song sounds, it is arguably one of the most meaningful Nigerian hits.  

Professionally speaking, a ‘selling point’ is that attribute of a product that makes it attractive to customers. Relative to human beings, it is that ‘developed’ natural or acquired trait that makes your personality or vocation attractive to people, organisations or states. Everyone yearns for a selling point, and those who can’t find any in themselves almost always have inferiority complex. Consciously or unconsciously, everyone has a tendency to take pride in their selling point because that’s all they have to add to society. Wealthy people show off their wealth, orators tout their oratory prowess, beautiful people glamorize their beauty etc.

However I disagree with D’prince on the things that should constitute an ideal selling point. If all you have to add to society is a humongous penis, perky boobs, six packs, hourglass physique or rotund bum, then you are of all men most menial-you’re merely an object of sexual satisfaction, and there are plenty whores and gigolos to beat you

to that game. Unfortunately, we place emphasis on those bodily features to the obscurity of ideal values, virtues, skills and talents that can transform society. Annoyingly, many ladies are comfortable just having a pretty face and sexy physique, while many men are in purposeless pursuit of six packs. Interestingly, no lady on earth will choose six packs over six cars, and I don’t know any multi-billionaire who has six packs. No man reasonable man will choose boobs over intelligence, virtue and resourcefulness; in the end they say you’re a ‘girlfriend material’ but not a ‘wife material’.

Ultimately, selling point should be about changing lives and solving societal problems. Regardless of your penile size as a man, you can’t have sex with everyone (male and female), and regardless of how prominent your somatic features are as a lady, you can’t attract or satisfy everyone (male and female); even attempting just a thousand persons could kill you.

What then should constitute an ideal Selling Point?
  • It’s about investing into your intelligence so that you can have the intellectual capital needed to impact lives and add meaning to society.
  • It’s about building character and virtue so that you can make moral, attitudinal and social investments in people.
  • It’s about acquiring relevant skills and craft so that you can solve problems in society.
  • It’s about working assiduously to improve your talents and mentor budding talents.
  • It’s about going for trainings, and exposing yourself to improve your leadership abilities.
  • It’s about working to get rich so that you can help the poor etc.

One thing is sure, as long as life is concerned, you won’t sell without a selling point. What is your Selling Point? Think about it!

© Ezeme Kingsley C.
Instagram: ezemekingsley
For your speaking, writing or coaching jobs, 


Vic said…
Unknown said…
Well said Chief. Very well said.
Unknown said…
Apt and inspiring as usual!
Nice one boss
Well said
Unknown said…
You have said it all,nice one bro
Unknown said…
Beautiful one dear.

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