One of the most fascinating and unique feature of American sporting teams (especially basketball) is the presence of cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are part of the team, and they are usually a group of cute sexy ladies in skimpy clothing. Arguably, the best teams have the best (most attractive and artistic) cheerleaders.
A cheerleader has three major responsibilities;
• To have an irrevocable belief in the ability and success of the players.
• To perform (usually in songs and acrobatics) before a match to keep the players in high Spirit.
• To cheer up and encourage them all through the match regardless of whether they are loosing or winning. 
Also, team managers are deliberate about selecting attractive ladies as cheerleaders so that the boys will have an incentive to want to impress someone. Its annoying, but a man can be at his best just trying to impress a lady.
Beyond sports, everyone who must become successful in life needs cheerleaders (that's why stars need fans) - they could be family, friends, neighbours or society. Why? Though mostly subconscious, everyone needs someone to believe in them or encourage them. That's why in every good thing you do, you are either trying to impress your parents, friends, teachers, lover, pastor etc. Unfortunately, cheerleaders are scarce on the path of success in this part of the world.

So, why won't you have the cheerleaders you need?

Human Insensitivity - this is unfortunately not unconnected to our culture. We don't have a culture of affirmation especially in words, and it starts at home. For example, most Africans have never heard any of their parents' say words like " Son or daughter, we love you and we believe in you." My dad hasn't personally told me he loves me till date. Make a decision today to give your own kids the needed affirmation.
Pessimism - Most persons are pessimistic, they see challenges in every opportunity and they are unwilling to break protocol or attempt something new. To them, any big dream or massive futuristic plan is merely forlorn and would end up an effort in futility. That's why you shouldn't share your visions with everyone; some will kill your passion with Pessimism. Run away from such people!
Jealousy and Hatred - face it, some never liked you, they don't like you and they won't like you. Rather than cheer you up, they'd bring you down through opposition, spread of rumours, denial of your merits etc. They don't want you to succeed, hence no incentive to be your cheerleader.
Vision and Information asymmetry - most times you have this big idea or plan, it's boiling inside you like liquid fire, but no one understands you. It's not their fault, they are either myopic, or not knowledgeable or visionary enough to understand you.

Thus, there a multiplicity of reasons why people won't or may not cheer you up. However, you must BECOME YOUR OWN CHEERLEADER. If no one believes in you, believe in yourself. If no one praises you, praise yourself. If no one supports you, support yourself in the way you can. Whatever you do, don't allow people's perception of you decide your reality. Wake up in the morning, look yourself in a big mirror, and say to yourself, " oh I'm so cute, I'm rich and famous, I'm going places, I have mansions and cars etc." And walk out caring less about what other people think. When you eventually become successful, fans will abound. BECOME YOUR OWN NUMBER ONE FAN!
© Ezeme Kingsley C.

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